Future of Training and Development


Using training as an approach in achieving sustainability goals relates to an increased emphasis on performance analysis and learning for business enhancement. New technologies that combine computer science, instructional design, and graphic interfaces have the potential to increase our ability to learn (Chou and Liu, 2005)

Tele-immersion, which is a technology that provides realistic, life-sized holographic projections in which employees can hear and see collaborators as if they were physically present in the office (Kurillo et al., 2008) can be used to create a holographic training room in the office with virtual trainees beamed in from other locations (Bose, 2004).


Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), the pioneer scientific research and development technology transfer delegate of Sri Lanka is a successful organization with global recognition in high quality service delivery. This Excellency is achieved through effective employee training and development programs and the culture facilitating continuous learning. ITI uses a blend of traditional and technological training methods and as the leading technology transfer and consultancy delegate in Sri Lanka, the researchers and scientists are trained in foreign industries and university settings in meeting innovative high-tech skills and gaining a broad perspective on effective technological, laboratory and managerial as well as cultural practices. Such development programs are one example of effect of understanding the larger environment (e.g., innovative technologies and cultures) relates to successful training initiatives. ITI ensures the training transfer and skill acquisition, facilitated through supportive climate and job design variables such as task autonomy and organizational commitment to quality as well as post training interventions such as goal setting and guided reflection.


Bose, R. (2004) ‘E-government: infrastructure and technologies for education and training’, Electronic Government, an International Journal, 1(4), p. 349. doi: 10.1504/EG.2004.005907.

Chou, S. W. and Liu, C. H. (2005) ‘Learning effectiveness in a Web-based virtual learning environment: A learner control perspective’, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, pp. 65–76. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2005.00114.x.

Kurillo, G., Bajcsy, R., Nahrsted, K. and Kreylos, O. (2008) ‘Immersive 3D Environment for Remote Collaboration and Training of Physical Activities’, in 2008 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, pp. 269–270. doi: 10.1109/VR.2008.4480795.


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