Employee Development


Employee development is associated with salient business outcomes such as employee retention and the creation of a nimble and brilliant management team and work force and often has its origins in the company’s mission, goals, and values (Lee and Bruvold, 2003). Development refers to formal education, job experiences, interpersonal relationships, and assessments of personality and abilities (Greco, Charlier and Brown, 2019) that help employees perform effectively (Chih, Liu and Lee, 2008) in their current or future job and company.

Chih, J.-T., Liu, C.-H. and Lee, H.-W. (2008) ‘Relationship between trainee attitudes and dimensions of training satisfaction: An empirical study with training institute employees’, International journal of management, 25(4), p. 756.
Greco, L. M., Charlier, S. D. and Brown, K. G. (2019) ‘Trading off learning and performance: Exploration and exploitation at work’, Human Resource Management Review. Elsevier, 29(2), pp. 179–195. doi: 10.1016/j.hrmr.2018.06.001.
Lee, C. H. and Bruvold, N. T. (2003) ‘Creating value for employees: Investment in employee development’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14(6), pp. 981–1000. doi: 10.1080/0958519032000106173.


  1. Hi Tharika, Furthermore, adding to the employee development process Azulay, (2012) mention three main steps Discovery, Development, Demonstration. Discovery has sub 3 steps Awareness, Acceptance, Grasping the impact, Second major step is development, it also has four sub stages Desire to improve, Understanding (and articulating) the goal, Capacity to work on self-improvement, Engaging in learning activities. Final major step is demonstrated it has the 3 more sub step Practicing the new competency, Seeking and accepting feedback and help, demonstrating competence

    1. Hi Pubudu,

      The overall intent of employee development programs is to provide a systematic path for increasing the employees’ competence and the organizational performance (Jacobs et al., 2003). There is no single formula for creating an employee development program, but there are some important components that should be considered. A truly effective employee development program should include learning, career planning, goal setting, and evaluation. These areas will help the program be beneficial to the employees who utilize and to the organization that provides it. Without them, the employee development reverts back to being simply training (Shelton, 2001)
      The fundamentals of a good employee training program are: orientation, soft skills training, and technical skills training. These concepts are the general foundation for any employee development program (Kleiman, 2000). Janet Kottke believes that employee development programs should contain the three Cs: core workplace competencies, contextual framework within which the organization conducts its business, and corporate citizenship. The core competencies in this model are, learning to learn, communication and collaboration, creative thinking and problem solving, and career self-management” (Kottke, 1999).

  2. Hi Tharika, Researchers emphasize that strong competition, technological advancements in the recent global arena have compelled organizations to invest heavily into employee development. The continuous organizational changes and ever improving technical environment have made the organizations to realize that their success depends on the skills of the employees, which in turn requires continuous process of training and development (Beardwell, Holden and Claydon, 2004).

    1. Hi Chandrika,

      Agree with you. Training and development refers to the process to obtain or transfer KSA (knowledge, skills and abilities) needed to carry out a specific activity or task; therefore, benefits of training and development both for employer and employees are strategic in nature and hence much broader (Stavrou et al., 2004). Apospori et al. (2008) had deduced that there is a considerable impact of training on organizational performance. Corporate training and employees’ development is an important activity and it increases employees’ performance (Iftikhar and Siraj-ud-din, 2009). Oguntimehin (2001) has identified that training increase productivity, improves the quality of work, improve skills, knowledge, understanding and attitude of employees.

  3. Hi Tharika, In Addition we can also take the Six Disciplines Concept of learning and development initiatives ( Pollock et al, 2014). Organizations that adopted this 6D Concept has proven to make the learning successful.

    1). Define – Starting with an objective, let the participant know what they will be doing differently.
    2). Design – Plan and manage learning transfer process.
    3). Deliver – Make the delivery memorable learning experience.
    4). Drive – Engage participants and their supervisors in to practice and recognize criticality of the transfer process.
    5). Deploy – Make the participant an integral part, while providing aids and performance support, and provide feedbacks as and when needed.
    6). Document – Gather insights and measure that will be helpful for the management to drive continuous improvements.

    1. Hi Prasad,

      Thank you for sharing this fact. The 6D-approach encourages retention of knowledge, critical thinking, metacognition, collaboration and leadership skills in addition to self-evaluation and peer feedback. Given the significance of the above traits in training and development, the approach provides a strategy to those who want to implement and strengthen the above traits. Didactic teaching techniques need to be augmented by new student-centric pedagogical strategies and implementation milieus, where information and communication technology-enabled tools are seamlessly integrated, and lifelong information gathering, assimilation, integration and implementation is the ultimate goal (Banerjee et al, 2018).


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